Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan, who is eagerly awaiting for the release of his multilingual Ra.One, has finally confirmed that he will be working with ace director AR Murugadoss. The King Khan has said that they have started working on the project.
Speaking to a leading daily, Shahrukh Khan claims that they have two scripts in hands. Once, the duo finishes their respective films like Ra.One and 7aam Arivu, they will start working on another script. However, the Bollywood actor did not reveal further details about the forthcoming project.
Shahrukh Khan and AR Murgadoss have been planning to work together since two years. Though, the filmmaker was planning to direct Akshay Kumar in his next Bollywood project, now it seems the director has changed his plans.
Meanwhile, AR Murugadoss and Shahrukh Khan are all set to for the releases of their movies, which will hit the screens for Diwali.
Speaking to a leading daily, Shahrukh Khan claims that they have two scripts in hands. Once, the duo finishes their respective films like Ra.One and 7aam Arivu, they will start working on another script. However, the Bollywood actor did not reveal further details about the forthcoming project.
Shahrukh Khan and AR Murgadoss have been planning to work together since two years. Though, the filmmaker was planning to direct Akshay Kumar in his next Bollywood project, now it seems the director has changed his plans.
Meanwhile, AR Murugadoss and Shahrukh Khan are all set to for the releases of their movies, which will hit the screens for Diwali.
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