We have reported earlier that Ajith Kumar would be working on prestigious banner of late producer Nagi Reddy, Vijaya Productions. The latest news about the movie is that the production house has officially announced the project by giving ads on paper.
The forthcoming movie is produced by B Bharathi Reddy. The untitled is directed by Shiva of Siruthaifame. The makers of the film are planning to rope in Anushka Shetty to pair up with Ajith Kumar. While Vetri has been roped in to handle the camera, Yuvan Shankar Raja is the music director. The proposed project will take off in mid-2012.
Meanwhile, Ajith Kumar is busy with his 51st projectBilla 2. After the completion of this film, he will kick-start his other project made by AM Rathnam, directed by Vishnuvardhan.
The forthcoming movie is produced by B Bharathi Reddy. The untitled is directed by Shiva of Siruthaifame. The makers of the film are planning to rope in Anushka Shetty to pair up with Ajith Kumar. While Vetri has been roped in to handle the camera, Yuvan Shankar Raja is the music director. The proposed project will take off in mid-2012.
Meanwhile, Ajith Kumar is busy with his 51st projectBilla 2. After the completion of this film, he will kick-start his other project made by AM Rathnam, directed by Vishnuvardhan.