All theaters in Kochi witnessed a massive rush on Wednesday, as the much-hyped Shah Rukh Khan, Suriya and Vijay films finally hit screens. At the end of the day, certain trends are emerging. It appears that the response to 'RA. One' and '7 Aum Arivu' are quite mixed at this point. The reviews too have been lukewarm.
Apart from the two multiplexes, the highly anticipated movies were released in more than two theatres in the city. '7 Aum Arivu' was released in Shenoys, Little Shenoys and Padma theatres.
Meanwhile 'RA.One' was screened at Sreedhar, Savitha and Sangeetha. 'Velayudham' was premiered at two huge capacity theatres Sarita and Kavitha. 'RA.One', a do-or-die deal for Shah Rukh, given that over 175 crores have been invested in it, does not seem to have clicked in a big way. The film had a very good opening, but many feel that the story is a disappointment, while the technical parts stand out.
"RA.One is technically perfect but after the first half, it feels like watching a video game", says Rajesh S, who is working in an MNC. There is no twist in the story since the central theme comes before intermission. The response was somewhat similar for '7Aum Arivu' as well since the film does not appear to have met the high expectation.
"The story line is novel and different but it is not as good as we thought it would be. We expected more from the Suriya- A R Muragadoss team. I will say the film is definitely above average but a certain spark is missing in the film," says Nujum Noohu, an engineering student.
Even after spending Rs 84 crore, the graphics lack in quality which can be a setback for the whole movie, adds Nujum. But Noel K J of Maharaja's does not have the same opinion about '7 Aum Arivu'.
"Suriya's movie is a complete package with action, comedy, drama, romance and songs. Not even for a minute does the audience get bored", he says.
The action sequences have a Hollywood touch. The 'Ghajani' director has done justice to '7 Aum Arivu', he adds. Vijay's 'Velayudham', which had less hype compared to the other two, appears to have satisfied his fans adequately. The film, a complete Vijay show throughout, with rollicking comedy scenes and mind-blowing action sequences, seems to have worked with the audience.
"Ilaya Dalapati rules always. Vijay played a romantic hero in 'Kavalan', and now he is back in form doing what he does best, being the real mass hero. The introduction song was a visual treat", says Prashanth S, a diehard fan of Vijay.
As of now, it looks like the going could be slightly tough for SRK and Suriya, but given enough time, they might just continue to rake in some more moolah.